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How can I edit the attendance of the athletes?In the app click on 'Events' from the main menu. Search for the event you wish to edit. You can always use the calendar and the filters for that. If you found the event you are looking for, select the event and click on 'Attendees' . Select the athletes that took part in your event. Just simply click the little button under their profile picture for it to be green. You can amend their feedbacks regarding participation if they are not true or were not given.
How can I log in?As an administrator, open '' in your browser. Use the temporary password you received earlier via email to log in (always use Control C + Control V and do not type it). As your first login, you are required to change the temporary password. You won't be able to log in to the mobile app. For that, you have to create another profile as a staff member with another email address.
How do I create a new team?In the main menu select the 'Teams' item, then click on the 'Add new team' button. Enter the name of the team, then add the members (invite them or assign them to the system manually).
How do I create a training session?You can create events such as trainings or matches in the Medalyst manager app. Select the 'Events' item in the main menu. In the upper right corner, click on the 'Add new event' button. Then choose the type of event you want to create (training, match, other), enter the name, time, location of the event, you can even set recurring events. You can add an internal note that the members of the association will see, and you can also upload an attachment. After clicking on the 'Next' button, choose who you want to invite to the event. By clicking the 'Done' button, you have already sent them the invitation. They'll receive a push-notification and will be able to view the event and its details in their app. Athletes will be able to respond if they're attending the event.
How do I add a coach?You can add staff members, such as coaches to your club in Medalyst. In the main menu, select the 'Staff members' item. Select the 'Add staff member' button and enter their information. You can choose their position, e.g. 'Coach', provide their info and assign them to one or more teams. They'll receive an invitation via email with temporary login information, and will be able to view and manage the teams they're assigned to.
How can I add a new administrator?If you need a new administrator, please let us know. If the person is already added to the system, please delete them first so we can use the same email address to create them as an administrator.
How do I add an athlete?There are multiple ways to add a new athlete to your club in the Medalyst app. Select the 'Athletes' item in the main menu. At the top you can see the 'Add new athlete' button, click on it. Here you can enter the data of an athlete manually. The name, team, email address and phone number are mandatory, the rest are optional. You can also bulk import athletes by clicking 'Invite athletes' and entering their email addresses (separated by commas). They will receive an invitation via email containing their temporary login information. They will then be able to log in and enter their own info through the athlete app.
How do I set the basic data for the athlete?You can also set the athletes' data by selecting the athlete, entering their card and clicking the 'Edit' button to edit their data. Athletes can enter their details themselves after you have invited them.
Where can I report a bug or ask for help?In the main menu, select the 'Settings' tab, then if you scroll down, you will see a 'Found a bug? Report it here!' link. Fill out the pop-up form, and our colleagues will immediately receive a notification and start working on solving the issue.
How do I share news with my athletes or staff members?You can use the Newsfeed to create and share news with your athletes, teams, coaches or the entire club. First click on the 'Newsfeed' item in the main menu. Select the 'New post' option at the top, write the text you want to publish, add a picture if you want, and select the team(s) to with whom you want to share it with. They will receive a push-notification and they'll be able to read the news in the Medalyst mobile app.
How do I create a guardian?In case you have siblings in your club, you can create a guardian for them. This will result in the guardian having an own platform where they can check all their children together. Click on 'Guardians' in the main menu, and click on 'Create a new guardian'. Add the name and the email address of the guardian, optionally their phone number as well, and if you click on 'Continue'. There you can select the children from the dropdown list that belong to the guardian. If you have the email address already set for one of the children, you can delete that first and add it to the guardian's profile. Duplicate email addresses are not accepted in the system. This way the guardian can access the app and see all their children in one profile.
How do I create a new season?In the 'Settings' menu, click on the 'Create new season' button. Here you can set up your new season and makes changes in your teams (rename them and move your athletes).
What data can I access about an event?Once an event (e.g. training session) has happened, you can view who participated, how they performed and you can read reports written by the coaches about the events. In the 'Events' menu, use the calendar to select the training for which you want to see the data. By clicking on the 'Participants' tab, you can see who was invited and who attended or didn't attend. Among the participants, you can also see what ratings (1-5 stars) the coaches gave them. If the coach also wrote a report about the training, you can also view it in a separate tab.
How do I start using Medalyst?Step 1: Select the required data you wish to collect from the athletes you want to invite - Select the 'Settings' item in the main menu, click on 'Edit' button next to the 'Athlete data form' button, and set all the data that you wish to get from the athlete. You can delete anything except for the name and the team they belong to. You can make new fields and select the ones that are mandatory to fill. Step 2: Create a new team - Select the 'Teams' item in the main menu, then click on the 'Create a new team' button. Step 3: Add a new staff member - Select the 'Staff members' item in the main menu, then enter the e-mail address of the staff member you want to invite, or enter their data manually. Step 4: Add new athletes - Select the 'Athletes' tab, then send an invitation to the athletes' e-mail addresses, or enter their data manually. Step 5: Set up fees - In the 'Finances' tab, create a new fee by clicking on the 'Create new fee' button. Step 6: Create news - Select the 'Newsfeed' item in the main menu, then click on the 'New post' button. Step 7: Create a new event - Select the 'Events' tab, then click on the 'Add new event' button.
How do I set the access of staff members?You can give your club's members access to edit the app and also access the edit the financial data in the 'Settings' menu under 'Authorization' just click the access next to the person's name.
What happens if I overwrite the details of a recurring event?It also affects future events.
How can the athlete give feedback about the event?You search for the event in the 'Events' tab and then submit your review via 1-5 stars review system.
How do I create an event?You can create events such as trainings or matches in the Medalyst manager app. Select the 'Events' item in the main menu. In the upper right corner, click on the 'Add new event' button. Then choose the type of event you want to create (training, match, other), enter the name, time, location of the event, you can even set recurring events. You can add an internal note that the members of the association will see, and you can also upload an attachment. After clicking on the 'Next' button, choose who you want to invite to the event. By clicking the 'Done' button, you have already sent them the invitation. They'll receive a push-notification and will be able to view the event and its details in their app. Athletes will be able to respond if they're attending the event.
What does a 'recurring event' mean?You can create weekly or monthly recurring events. If you choose weekly repetition, the event will repeat every week on the designated day. So if a team has 3 practices in a week, you need to create a total of 3 events that will repeat throughout the season.
How does athlete participation feedback help the coach's work?The coach knows in advance who will take part in the given event, so he/she also has an opportunity to plan.
How does the athlete receive a reminder about the event?He/She will also be notified on the day of the event 3 hours before the start.
What events can I create?Training, match, other (summer camp, photo session, team building, etc.)
What setting options are there when creating an event?Homework, training, match/competition, other
How can I attach a training plan and other files to the event invitation?Go to 'Events'. Select 'Create a new event'. Select the event type. Add the required information. On the bottom of the sheet, click the 'Add attachment' button when creating the event.
How is the athlete informed about the creation of the events?Via push notification.
In a recurring event series I want to change only one event. How can I do it?First, remove the recurrence, save, and then make the desired changes.
How do I post the bank transfer and payment in cash?You have to post the transfers and cash payments manually so you have to keep track of these items. In the 'Finances' tab select the period and the item you'd like to record, or filter for the athlete's outstanding balances and select 'Paid by bank transfer' or 'Paid by cash' when selecting the status. Also, choose the day on which this payment was made, and send them an invoice or a receipt (if Billingo is also set up for you).
What happens if I delete a fee?In case of deletion of a recurring fee the item will no longer be visible for future periods. If we delete a financial item from the past, we no longer see it in the system. If the items have already been paid, they will appear in the system.
What happens if I remove an athlete from a fee?The athlete no longer has to pay the designated item.
How do I enable in-app payments?You can create fees and by connecting your Stripe account to Medalyst, you can enable athletes or guardians to pay their fees using their debit card via the Medalyst mobile app. Select the 'Finances' item in the main menu, then click the 'Connect' button next to the Stripe logo. You'll be redirected to Stripe's website, where after a quick registration you can track your incoming items, and members can use the card payment function.
Do I need to post in-app payments?No. If an athlete / guardian has paid one of your feeds with their debit card through our in-app payment, it will be automatically registered in your administration.
How do I add a fee?You can create fees (e.g. recurring membership fees, fees of equipment, etc.) in the Medalyst manager app. In the main menu, select the 'Finances' item, then click the + button next to 'Fees'. Enter the name of the item, the amount, set repetition, select the payment deadline, then by clicking on the 'Next' button, specify which team(s) or athletes you want assign the fee to. You can edit the list of assigned athletes later, too.
How do I add a new athlete to an existing fee?In the main menu select the 'Finances' option, then select the item to which you want to add an athlete to. Click on the 'next' button, scroll down the team list, then add the missing athlete. You can then save this by clicking the 'Done' button.
What payment options are available for guardians/athletes?Athletes and their parents can pay by bank card through an in-app payment (this requires connecting Stripe to the system), by bank transfer, and in cash.
How does Medalyst help me collect my outstanding fees?If the payment is not received from the obliged payers after the assigned deadline, Medalyst will remind the payer in the form of a push notification of how much they have to pay to your club.
How can I set up the automatic invoice sending?Register for free on the Billingo website and then send us the data you received there. We set these for you in the application. All you have to do is, when an item is paid, click on the 'Send receipt/invoice' icon next to the item.
How do I collect data from my athletes?Go to the 'Settings' tab, select the 'Edit' button on top next to the 'Athlete data form' option. You can edit the data you'd like to collect from the team. They will need to give these information at their first login. You can select which fields are mandatory, and which ones are optional. You can delete existing ones or create new fields, even change the sequence of the fields.
What data can I access about an athlete?Each athlete has a dedicated profile card where you can access and manage general information, link guardian accounts, view and manage the athlete's finances, reports and performance data in one place. Select the 'Athletes' item in the main menu. Here you can see all the athletes of your association. Select the one you are interested in (optionally use the 'Search' option for this), then click on the 'Details' button within the athlete. The athlete's card will pop up, where you can see his data. You can edit their data, and you can delete their accounts from here. An athlete can be part of multiple teams, you can also update manage these here.
How can I invite new athletes?You can create an athlete two ways: you can enter their details manually by selecting 'Athletes' from the main menu, and clicking on 'Add athlete manually' and filling the required fields. You can also invite them by clicking on 'Invite athlete(s)' and adding their email address followed by a comma.
What happens if I delete an athlete?The athlete can still be restored from the system through the Medalyst developers, but it will no longer be visible in your system.
How do I know if the athlete / guardian has already activated Medalyst?If the athlete or the guardian has already downloaded the app and activated their account you will see an 'Active' status next to their name when checking your athletes.
How can I set up a new email address for an athlete?In the main menu select the 'Athletes' option then click on 'Details' next to the athlete's name. Go to the 'Activation' tab, then click on the 'Change email address' button.
How can I check the sports report written by the coach?Select the athlete, then click on the 'Reports' tab. There you can see all the reports published by the coach for the athlete. You can also check if that was shared with the athlete / guardian or if it is private.
What data can I store about athletes?Their personal data, the expiration date of their sports medicine certificate, their achievements, their assigned fees, their outstanding balances, their text reports they received from coaches.
Where can I find the data regarding the athlete's performance?By clicking on the 'Athletes' tab, select the athlete whose performance you are interested in. By clicking on the 'Performance' option, select the period you are interested in. Here you can see which event the athlete participated in and what performance he/she did there and what evaluations he/she received. You can also see the team's performance on the home page. You can see it in more detailed by clicking on the 'Teams' tab, there you select the period and the team you are interested in. You can see what the team's average performance was, how it changed over the past period, and who was the best performing athlete.
How can I send a new temporary password to the athlete / guardian?Select the athlete from the list (within the 'Athletes' tab), click on the 'Details' button, then select 'Activation'. If the athlete is not active yet, click the 'Send new password' button.
How can I invite new athletes to the team?You can invite new athletes just by adding their email address. In the main menu, select the 'Teams' tab, then the created team, click the 'Invite Athletes' button, then enter their e-mail addresses. You can invite everyone to the team at once, just always remember to put a comma after each email address.
How can I track the athletes' and teams' performance?By clicking on the 'Athletes' tab, select the athlete whose performance you are interested in. By clicking on the 'Performance' option, select the period you are interested in. Here you can see which event the athlete participated in and what performance rating he/she received there and what evaluations he/she received. You can also see the team's performance on the 'Teams' page. You can see what the team's average performance was, how it changed over the past period, and who was the best performing athlete.
How do I view my teams' attendance sheets?You can view and export your teams attendance sheets. In the main menu, select the 'Teams' tab. Select the team, the season (by default you'll see the current one), the period (from now until when you want to see the attendance sheets). Then, a little further down, you will see the 'Attendance record' section, where by clicking on the 'Download' button you can export an excel sheet containing the attendance information for the selected period and team. On the first tab in Excel, you will see the data for the entire season, the other tabs contain the data for the selected months. You will also see the performance of the athletes, from which the system also calculates averages for the season and on a monthly basis.
How do I collect data from the team?Go to the 'Settings' tab, select the 'Edit' button on top next to the 'Athlete data form' option. You can edit the data you'd like to collect from the team. They will need to give these information at their first login. You can select which fields are mandatory, and which ones are optional. You can delete existing ones or create new fields, even change the sequence of the fields.
What happens if I delete a staff member?The deleted crew member will no longer have access to Medalyst and will be removed from the database.
How do I change a staff member's email address?Select the 'Staff members' tab, then click on the 'Activate' button. Click on the 'Change email address' button. After you have changed the email address, hit 'Done'.
How can I see if a staff member has activated themselves in the system?Select the 'crew members' tab, then click on the 'Activate' button. If it is active, the system says so. If they are not active, you can send them a new temporary password or change their email address.
How do I send a new temporary password to a staff member?Select the 'Staff members' tab, then click on the 'Activate' button. Click on the 'Send new password' button.
How to create a new staff member?In the 'Staff members' menu, click on the 'Add new staff member' button. You can select the title you'd like to add for the new crew member (coach, accountant, etc.) then add the required info.
What news can I see on the news feed?You can check news that were posted directly for you, or your team(s). You can always select which team's news you wish to check.
How do I log out?On the dashboard, click on 'Settings' in the right upper corner. Scroll down until you see 'Log out' marked with red.
How can I see if the athlete has overdue payments?Click on 'More'. Select 'Finances'. Select the month in question. You will then see who has not paid the fees yet if you see their status to be 'Payable'.
Which teams will I see in my app?You will only see the teams you actually handle. If you are lacking a team, please consult with your administrator as they can set new teams up for you. Simply select the team you wish to see on the dashboard by selecting them from the dropdown list next to your profile picutre.
What news can I edit on the news feed?As a coach you can only the edit or delete news that were created by you.
What does a 'recurring event' mean?You can create weekly or monthly recurring events. If you choose weekly repetition, the event will repeat every week on the designated day. So if a team has 3 practices in a week, you need to create a total of 3 events that will repeat throughout the season.
How can I rate the athlete’s performance?Click on 'Events', selected the event in question, click on 'Attendance & Performance', and see which athletes participated in your event. The ones who did are the ones eligible for your rating. Click on the stars. Give as many starts as you think they did good during the event. The will also see the rating you gave.
Where can I report a bug or ask for help?On the dashboard, select the 'Settings' tab in the right upper corner, then if you scroll down, you will see a 'Found a bug? Report it here!' link. Fill out the pop-up form, and our colleagues will immediately receive a notification and start working on solving the issue.
How do I log in?As a coach you can download our app 'Medalyst' from the App Store / Play Store. The app is not available on Huawei devices. Coaches can only log in via their mobile phone. The admin can help you by creating an admin role if you wish to access the web application from your browser. You can log into your app with the temporary password you received from us to your email address. Please always use control c + control v when inserting your temporary password, do not type it. After the first login, please change this password to your own.
How do I create an event?You can create events such as trainings or matches in the Medalyst manager app. Select the 'Events' item in the main menu. In the upper right corner, click on the 'Add new event' button. Then choose the type of event you want to create (training, match, other), enter the name, time, location of the event, you can even set recurring events. You can add an internal note that the members of the association will see, and you can also upload an attachment. After clicking on the 'Next' button, choose who you want to invite to the event. By clicking the 'Done' button, you have already sent them the invitation. They'll receive a push-notification and will be able to view the event and its details in their app. Athletes will be able to respond if they're attending the event.
In a recurring event series I want to change only one event. How can I do it?First, remove the recurrence, save, and then make the desired changes.
How can I write a report of the event?Click on 'Events', select the event in question, click on 'Report' where you can write a written report and upload a photo. Click on 'Done' when finished.
What setting options are there when creating an event?Homework, training, match/competition, other
How do I share news with my team(s)?You can use the Newsfeed to create and share news with your athletes, teams, coaches or the entire club. First click on the 'Newsfeed' item in the main menu. Select the 'New post' option at the top, write the text you want to publish, add a picture if you want, and select the team(s) to with whom you want to share it with. They will receive a push-notification and they'll be able to read the news in the Medalyst mobile app.
What happens if I overwrite the details of a recurring event?It also affects future events.
How can I see the data of the athlete?Click on 'More', select 'Athletes', choose the athlete in question where you can see their performance, their financial items, their data, and their reports.
How can I mark if the athlete has paid a fee to me in cash?Click on 'More'. Select 'Finances'. Select the month in question from the dropdown list. Search for the athlete and the fee that they have paid. Click on 'Paid with cash'.
What events can I create?Training, match, other (summer camp, photo session, team building, etc.)
How do I start using Medalyst?Step 1: Set a profile photo by using the 'Settings' tab on the right upper corner. Step 2: Check the teams you are responsible for if you click on them next to your profile picture on the dashboard. Step 3: Create new events for your team(s) using the 'Events' tab. Step 4: Create news for your team(s) from the 'News feed' tab.
How to give feedback about an athlete after an event?The coach can do that. They select the training session from 'Events' that they like to review. The coach evaluates the participants with 1-5 stars review system and also can write a report about each athlete if they are clicking on the athlete.
What form of payments can I make?You can make an in-app payment with your debit card, you can use a bank transfer from your bank account (not trough Medalyst app), or pay the fee in cash to the coach.
What data do I see?You will only see your own performance, the events you were invited to, news shared with you and your fees and transactions. Other athletes won't see your information.
What info do I see about an event?You will see the event's type, the date, the location, every additional information, a game plan, attachments you can download and the list of participants.
How can I check an event?On your dashboard, you will be able to see the upcoming events. Also, if you click on 'Events' on the main menu, you will see all your events. You can use the filter to look for the types of events and the dates you wish to check.
Where can I check my reports written by my coach?On the dashboard select 'Performance'. Under 'My performance' click on 'Report'. Here you will be able to see the reports your coach has wrote about you and shared with you.
I did not receive the temporary password. What can I do?First, please check your spam folder. If you do not find it in the spam folder, ask your coach / administrator which email address were you registered with. Please note that each athlete can be registered with only one main email address. (The email address can be deleted if your administrator set a guardian profile for your guardian.) If there needs to be a change in the main email address of the athlete, your administrator can do that. They can also send you a new password if the email address if correct, but the email was accidentally deleted.
How can I tell my coach if I will attend a training / match?From the dashboard, select the upcoming event where no feedback has been given yet. Click on 'Feedback' and then select if you are going to attend or will not be present. You can also give reason on why you are missing out (sickness, injury, other).
How do I log in?If you are an athlete, download our app 'Medalyst' from the App Store / Play Store. The app is not available on Huawei devices. If your club's administrator sent you an invite, you have received a temporary password to your email address, please use control c + control v to insert the password received. As your first step, you need to change the temporary password to your own.
How do I log out?On the dashboard, click on 'Settings' in the right upper corner. Scroll down until you see 'Log out' marked with red.
How do I start using Medalyst?After the login, you are required to fill out information your club has requested from you. You will see which fields are required and which fields are not mandatory. After filling the form, you will be able to proceed and see your data.
Where can I see the fees I have already paid?From the main menu, select 'Finances'. Under 'Finance', you will need to click on 'Transactions'. Here are all the fees listed that you have already paid.
Where can I edit my data?On the dashboard, in the upper right corner, click on the silhouette which directs you to 'Settings'. Under 'Settings', select 'Edit profile'. To submit the changes made, click on 'Next'.
Where can I check the news shared with me?In the main menu select 'News'. Here you will see all the news your coach / administrator has shared with you, starting with the latest post.
How can I make an in-app payment?From the main menu, select 'Finances'. Under 'Items to be paid' you will see your outstanding / overdue fees. Select the item and pay with your bank card through Stripe by adding your bank card details.
What news will I see?You will only see the news that has been shared with your team by your coach / administrator.
Where can I check my performance?From the main menu select 'Performance'. You can filter for dates and types of events.
Where can I report a bug or ask for help?On the dashboard, select the 'Settings' tab in the right upper corner, then if you scroll down, you will see a 'Found a bug? Report it here!' link. Fill out the pop-up form, and our colleagues will immediately receive a notification and start working on solving the issue.
How can I check an event?On your dashboard, you will be able to see the upcoming events. Also, if you click on 'Events' on the main menu, you will see all your events. You can use the filter to look for the types of events and the dates you wish to check.
What news will I see?You will only see the news that has been shared with your child's team by the coach / administrator.
How do I start using Medalyst?After the login, you are required to fill out information your club has requested from your child / children. You will see which fields are required and which fields are not mandatory. After filling the form, you will be able to proceed and see your data.
Where can I edit my child's data?On the dashboard, in the upper right corner, click on the silhouette which directs you to 'Settings'. Under 'Settings', select 'Edit profile'. To submit the changes made, click on 'Next'.
Where can I report a bug or ask for help?On the dashboard, select the 'Settings' tab in the right upper corner, then if you scroll down, you will see a 'Found a bug? Report it here!' link. Fill out the pop-up form, and our colleagues will immediately receive a notification and start working on solving the issue.
What info do I see about an event?You will see the event's type, the date, the location, every additional information, a game plan, attachments you can download and the list of participants.
Where can I check my child's performance?From the main menu select 'Performance'. You can filter for dates and types of events.
How do I log in?If you are a guardian, download our app 'Medalyst' from the App Store / Play Store. The app is not available on Huawei devices. If your club's administrator sent you an invite, you have received a temporary password to your email address, please use control c + control v to insert the password received. As your first step, you need to change the temporary password to your own.
How do I log out?On the dashboard, click on 'Settings' in the right upper corner. Scroll down until you see 'Log out' marked with red.
Where can I see the fees I have already paid?From the main menu, select 'Finances'. Under 'Finance', you will need to click on 'Transactions'. Here are all the fees listed that you have already paid.
What data do I see?You will only see your child's / children's performance, the events they were invited to, news shared with them and the fees you need to pay and transactions you have already paid. Other guardians won't see your information.
Where can I check the news shared with me?In the main menu select 'News'. Here you will see all the news the coach / administrator has shared with you, starting with the latest post.
What form of payments can I make?You can make an in-app payment with your debit card, you can use a bank transfer from your bank account (not trough Medalyst app), or pay the fee in cash to the coach.
I did not receive the temporary password. What can I do?First, please check your spam folder. If you do not find it in the spam folder, ask your coach / administrator which email address your child was registered with. Please note that each athlete can be registered with only one main email address. (The email address can be deleted if your administrator set a guardian profile for you.) If there needs to be a change in the main email address of the athlete, your administrator can do that. They can also send you a new password if the email address if correct, but the email was accidentally deleted.
If more of my children train at the same club, can I see them with the same login?Yes. Contact your administrator / coach. They can create you a guardian profile and add all of your children to your profile. After the login, you are required to give the data your club has requested about your children. After that, you are able to proceed and can select your child from a dropdown list on the dashboard.
How can I make an in-app payment?From the main menu, select 'Finances'. Under 'Items to be paid' you will see your outstanding / overdue fees. Select the item and pay with your debit card through Stripe by adding your bank card details.
Where can I check the reports written by the coach?On the dashboard select 'Performance'. Under 'My performance' click on 'Report'. Here you will be able to see the reports the coach has wrote about your child and shared with you.
How can I tell my child's coach if they will attend a training / match?From the dashboard, select the upcoming event where no feedback has been given yet. Click on 'Feedback' and then select if your child is going to attend or will not be present. You can also give reason on why he/she is missing out (sickness, injury, other).
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